Sonoff Celling Lamp

Sonoff Celling Lamp

This Video shows how to connect Sonoff Ceilling and work with it.

You have to :
1. download application
2. Connect the Sonoff to power supply
3. Do a reset by ON for 2 seconds, and then off for 2 seconds and do this for 5 times
4. Search with the application the device, after connecting it to your router with user-name and password
5. work with it

You can buy sonoff products are:
Sonoff on Amazon LED Celing light: Sonoff Celing LED on Amazon
Ebay Links:
sonoff basic Sonoff Basic
sonoff LED Sonoff LED
sonoff E27 general lamp Sonoff E27 General lamp
sonoff 4 channels control Sonoff 4 channels Control
sonoff Touch control lamp : Sonoff Touch Control Lamp
sonoff Relay module : Sonoff Relay Module
Sonoff Ceilling LED light: Sonoff Celling LED
